Thursday, November 25, 2010


It's time for me to start preparing to go back to work and put the PNut into childcare. I won't lie, I'm nervous.
On one hand, I'm excited to have 'Gemma time' and I'm confident that PNut will really thrive in childcare and love having other children to play with. Let's hope she doesn't break too many hearts ;)
On the other hand, the thought of having to get up and get the two of us ready for work and daycare is a little exhausting [as I type I'm sitting her in my pyjamas - ahhh]. I know I'll be fine, and I know PNut will be fine, but as with any new situation, that nervousness is there.

There's been a bit of a drama with arranging 'family-friendly' hours with work, but I think that's partly do with most of our communication being via email and the wonder of the miscontrued words. The next stage is to go in and have a face-to-face chat with management about what hours/days are suitable for everyone involved and then arrange childcare to suit as well. Such fun before Christmas!

There's one thing I won't have to worry about - work clothes! I've been slowly going through all my clothes and I still fit into my old work clothes, and some are even too big. Not only is my bank account happy, but so is my self-esteem!


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