So much for not neglecting the blog!
Well, we're back in Queensland now, and I definitely feel like we're home - apart from the fact that we don't have a home. Currently staying with a friend, but so keen to have a place where we can settle in and unpack everything etc etc. It'll happen [or so I keep telling myself!].
Problem is, due to a lack of furniture, we're going to need to move into share accommodation [apparently it's handy to have a fridge and a lounge etc] and a lot of people are hesitant to have a baby as a housemate. I get that, but it seems like very few people will even give us a chance. Actually, it doesn't *seem* like, it's a fact! I've registered interest in many properties, but only two have agreed to let me look at the place, and the housemates haven't been the right 'fit'. I've had other people offer, but location/move timing have been the issue there.
So the wait continues, the struggle increases and my heart breaks more as I can't even give my baby a home.